Thursday, June 14, 2007

after the fall

This is a view of one of the rooms, after the lath has all been picked up!!!! This is the plaster that remains--which has to be shovelled up, one scoop at a time, three scoops to a five gallon bucket, and then carried out to the curb and dumped. Over and over and over! We resorted to parking a wheelbarrow below one of the windows--which allowed us for a time to dump the bucket loads into it--about three, maybe four buckets, then out to the curb. The pile in front of the house is now so large that we can't add anything more to it until the city comes to pick it up. We were sitting here tonight and trying to estimate how many lath strips we've pulled off the walls and the ceilings--figuring six lath to each foot, four foot sections (plus an infinite number of small pieces), rooms at least fifteen feet square, with twelve foot walls and ceilings over all of it too. It has been a massive job--but we are making headway! A couple of rooms are actually basically done! We're heading into our last day--and hoping to finish at least the gross demolition. We've pulled hundreds of nails (each lath is attached to the wall by a minimum of three nails, mostly more)--but we may not get to pulling out all of the wiring. After all, we have to leave something for the next crew! Jenell


At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What an AMAZING amount of plaster! Nice picture, too! I believe the clean studs in the background show what fine work you're doing. I am so impressed. Congratulations on your accomplishments--you are truly making a difference.

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still keeping you all in our prayers. Will see you at the end of June. Love to all. Bobbie


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