Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I think that most of us were glad that today was a planned half work day. The general consensus is that this year is tougher than last year. The house is about 3x as big and there is more demolition involved. This afternoon we are taking a tour of the area and then we going to the French Quarter for shopping and dinner. I, myself (and I suspect others, too), worked harder this morning, knowing that we only had a half-day of work. Pacing ourselves is key though, as one of our team members experienced heat stroke yesterday. (He is feeling better now, thankfully.)

I am looking forward to the tour and having a nice dinner tonight; however, I remember how very emotional our tour was last year. Sadly, I suspect that what we find in the 9th Ward today will look very much as it looked a full 52 weeks ago....

- Lara -


At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - I just went through the entire week with you all, through pictures, of course. You are doing a terrific job of keeping us posted! And I'm so proud to know some of you who are working so hard to help - I'm really looking forward to hearing the nitty, gritty (literally!!!) tales when you get back. Take good care of yourselves! Have fun in New Orleans this evening.

Jeri Haner

At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your "work products" are most impressive--I'd be interested in seeing a shot or two of the inside, too. I'm sure Randi will be able to tell me all about it when you return

I know that the high humidity makes it doubly hard to cool off, so please take care of yourselves. And I'm glad to hear that there's some time to see more of the area--that's a fascinating part of the country in many ways.


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