Thursday, June 15, 2006

Blog: Vacation Bible School Mission Project

One of my "assignments" while I am here is to find a mission project for our VBS project. I asked Helen "Jr." to think of a way that our kids could help here in New Orleans, and she has requested that we provide books to the preschool program which was run out of the Central UCC. Helen "Sr." was the director of this preschool for 47 years, and Helen "Jr." is working on grants to get it up and running again.

Both Helens have been members of Central UCC for years. That church, and it's preschool, received a lot of damage in the hurricane and levee break (so they are currently having their worship service here at St. Matthews).

So start stocking up on children's books now (for 18 months - 5 year olds), we'll be collecting them during the VBS program the last week of June. Thank You!!

Oh and PS and hint, hint.....we are THRILLED that so many people have been reading the blog (we have a counter and can see how many people have been logging on), but we'd also LOVE to hear more feedback and comments if anyone feels the desire to "dialogue" with us too.


Lara Norman-Kehe
Owner/Teacher, Early Learning Center Preschool,
Director of Children's Ministries, First Congregational Church,
Independent Pampered Chef Consultant,


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just figured out there was a setting we could change so people don't have to register to comment. Maybe you'll get more comments this way.

I'm eager to see your photos Sunday. You guys sound like powerhouse workers. Be prepared, people may want to hire you!


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